International Balint Federation (IBF) - Guidelines for accreditation of Balint Leaders
Leitlinien der Internationalen Balint Gesellschaft (IBF)
International Balint Federation - Guidelines for accreditation of Balint Leaders
- Leaders should have appropriate basic training, e.g. Family Practitioner, Psychoanalyst, Psychotherapist, Psychologist.
- Leaders should have prior experience of being in a Balint Group.
- Leaders should have worked with an accredited leader for a sufficient period of time.
- Leaders should have acquired an understanding of the Doctor-Patient-relationship.
- Leaders should receive adequate supervision.
Leaders should be able to demonstrate:
- that they create a safe and free environment within the group.
- that they focus the work on the Doctor-Patient-relationship rather than seek solutions.
- that they create a learning environment rather than resort to didactic teaching.